Safety Tips for NYC Construction Workers
Construction is one of the most dangerous jobs in New York City. Every day, workers encounter significant risks like working from heights, power tools, dangerous and toxic materials, heavy machinery, and falling objects. Fortunately, workers can minimize the chances that they will be hurt in a serious accident by taking some common-sense precautions. If you have been injured and someone else is responsible for your accident, you should contact a New York City construction accident lawyer right away.
Take Advantage of Safety Training
Your employer should provide ample safety training. For example, if you work on scaffolding, then you should learn how to climb up it as well as descend. You should also be trained on how to organize your tools on the scaffolding so they don’t cause you to trip and fall.
Safety-conscious workers will go above and beyond the training their employers offer. Also, check with your union or other local organizations to see what programs they offer. Ask your employer if you will receive credit for attending, but even if you don’t, they are still worth your time.
Obtain Adequate Safety Gear
Your employer will need to provide sufficient personal protective equipment. For example, if you work with dangerous machinery, you might need to use gloves. If you work with an open flame, then you could have a face mask. Ask your employer if they have provided all necessary safety gear, and let them know when protective equipment becomes worn and needs to be replaced.
Inspect Scaffolding
One of the more common construction accidents is falling from a height. Before climbing scaffolding or a ladder, check to make sure that they have been set up correctly. If you notice anything wrong, then fix it before climbing.
Exercise Caution Around Power Lines
Far too many construction workers are electrocuted on the job. Electrocution can cause heart and lung problems, as well as brain injury. To protect yourself, make sure you have adequate safety equipment on before handling a wire. You should also set up scaffolding a sufficient distance to reduce the possibility of impact. If a wire is insulated and carries less than 300 volts, scaffolding should be set up at least 2 feet away.
Report Dangerous Work Conditions
No one should feel that they are risking their life when they go to work. Unfortunately, many construction workers feel grateful to have a job, so they might not complain when they see obvious safety lapses. You should protect yourself and others by raising concerns with your supervisor or general contractor. If the problem isn’t fixed, you can blow the whistle by lodging a complaint with the appropriate authorities.
Injured on the Job? Contact a Construction Accident Lawyer in New York City
Accidents will happen, even to safety-conscious workers. However, if someone else is to blame for your injuries, then you might have a legal case against them. Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC is a leading law firm in New York City that has represented the rights of injured construction workers for several decades. If you have a question, you can contact us and schedule a free case evaluation by calling 212-285-3300. One of our NYC construction accident lawyers will be happy to meet with you.