New York City Arthritis Injury Lawyers
Helping New York City, Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens Workers Suffering from Construction Site Arthritis Injuries Recover Benefits
Injuries sustained while working on a construction site have a tendency to aggravate preexisting medical conditions, including arthritis. If you suffer a construction injury that aggravates your arthritis, you might be eligible to file a legal claim for workers’ compensation benefits.
The skilled New York City arthritis injury lawyers at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC can explain your options and help you decide upon the best course of action for pursuing benefits in your case. If you are eligible, our knowledgeable legal team can assist you with pursuing the workers’ compensation benefits to which you are entitled.
Types of Arthritis
Arthritis is a fancy medical term for joint inflammation and is used to describe a variety of medical conditions which can affect a person’s joints and the connective joint tissue. In some instances, the onset of arthritis is extremely gradual, while in other cases, the onset is extremely sudden and seems to occur out of the blue. Common symptoms of arthritis include redness, stiffness, swelling, and pain that occurs near the joint (e.g., hips, knees, hands, wrists, and shoulders).
How Construction Site Injuries Aggravate Arthritis
Arthritis can make it difficult for a worker to move the affected body part or parts and can cause the worker extreme pain when undertaking strenuous motions or lifting.
Construction site injuries have a tendency to aggravate a person’s arthritic condition. This aggravation often occurs because construction jobs require high impact activities, repetitive motions, and sometimes long periods of sedentary activity. These jobs also require twisting, heavy lifting, and turning, all of which can lead to the onset (or aggravation) of arthritis.
Seeking Compensation
Construction site workers are eligible to recover benefits for aggravation of preexisting arthritis – even in cases where the preexisting arthritic condition is unrelated to construction work. Workers are also eligible for benefits in situations where the preexisting arthritic condition made the worker more susceptible to sustaining a medical condition in the future.
For a worker to obtain compensation benefits arising from aggravation of a preexisting arthritic condition, the worker need only demonstrate that the injury aggravation was related to construction site work. The worker must also be able to demonstrate that the disability which resulted prevented him or her from continuing to work. Finally, in order to recover benefits, the worker must provide notice to his or her employer within the required period of time.
Call a New York City Arthritis Injury Attorney Today about Pursuing Benefits
If a construction site injury has aggravated your or a loved one’s arthritis, you should seek legal help as soon as possible. The experienced legal team at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC can determine if you are eligible for compensation, and if so, can pursue workers’ compensation benefits on your behalf.
To schedule a free consultation or case evaluation with a New York City arthritis injury attorney, please call us today at 212-285-3300 or contact us online.