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Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC

New York City Construction Zone Accident Lawyers

Construction Zone Crash Lawyers in New York Helping Individuals Recover Compensation

Road construction and the State of New York just seem to belong together. We certainly see our fair share, and it’s important to recognize that construction zones are responsible for many of the dangerous accidents on our roadways. When you’re driving through road construction, you are far more likely to be injured in an accident than when you are on the open road. If you’ve been injured in a construction zone accident, consult with an experienced New York construction zone lawyer today.

Construction Zone Accidents: The New York Statistics

The 2018 statistics related to construction zone accidents on our roadways, as shared by the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), are sobering:

  • There were 701 construction zone crashes.
  • These crashes led to 329 injuries.
  • These crashes led to 13 fatalities.

Don’t become a construction zone statistic. Always reduce your speed and be especially cautious when driving through road construction.

Pay Attention and Proceed with Caution

When it comes to construction zones, paying careful attention to everything around you and proceeding with caution are the best ways to reduce your risk of being injured or of injuring a construction worker. There are several important safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Slow down in construction zones. Always adhere to the posted speed limit, but remember that construction zones are work zones and to expect the unexpected – adjust your speed downward accordingly.
  • Remember that you are driving among people who don’t have the protection of vehicle body around them. In fact, you may drive just feet away from construction workers whose safety rests in your hands.
  • Be on the lookout for and adhere to all posted safety signs, lights, and signals. This includes notifications regarding upcoming lane shifts, reductions in speed, narrowing of lanes, uneven or bumpy roads, and much more.
  • Be on the lookout for flaggers, and carefully follow their instructions.
  • Leave ample space between you and the vehicle ahead of you.
  • Do not allow yourself to be distracted by anything other than driving safely. This includes ignoring your smartphone completely.
  • Carefully plan your travel route to avoid road construction in the first place if at all possible.
  • When road construction is inevitable, build enough extra time into your schedule so that you won’t need to rush.
  • When you come upon road construction unexpectedly, remind yourself to relax and slow down. Arriving safely is far more important than arriving on time.

If you drive in New York, you’re going to spend some time in construction zones. Be careful out there.

If Someone Else’s Negligence Leaves You Injured in a Construction Zone Accident, You Need an Experienced New York Construction Zone Accident Attorney

Construction zones are the sites of many dangerous traffic accidents. Our firm opened its doors 80 years ago, and our dedicated legal team is proud of our enduring legacy. For a free initial consultation, please contact or call us at 212-285-3300 today.


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"This law firm has great lawyers!" I had an accident and they got me what I deserved for my injury. They treat you like you are part of their family. If anyone needs a lawyer I will recommend this firm."