Brooklyn Construction Accident Lawyers
Helping Construction Accident Injury Victims in Brooklyn Obtain Compensation
If you are a worker on a Brooklyn construction site, accidents and injuries can be an unfortunate fact of life. Construction sites are inherently dangerous areas for both workers and bystanders alike, and when equipment malfunctions, serious accidents and injuries can result.
If you have suffered an injury as a worker on a construction site, you may be eligible to make a claim against your employer for workers’ compensation damages. The knowledgeable Brooklyn construction accident lawyers at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC can determine your eligibility for a claim and could file one on your behalf.
Workers’ Compensation Eligibility
In the State of New York, workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. This means that you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits regardless of who caused your accident or injuries. Benefits can include medical treatment for the injuries and partial wage replacement benefits for total or partial disability.
To qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, most claimants must meet some basic standards. First of all, they must have been injured while they were working on the job. Next, they must have sustained their injuries within the course and scope of their employment. Some workers are not able to file a workers’ compensation claim, such as those who were traveling to or from work on a construction site at the time they sustained their injuries. Our knowledgeable Brooklyn workers’ compensation legal team can determine if your construction injury fits within the workers’ compensation statute.
There is a catch to workers’ compensation that many people are unaware of. If you qualify, a worker cannot sue his or her employer, regardless of how many safety lapses the employer committed. This is one of the many drawbacks of workers’ compensation.
However, an experienced Brooklyn construction accident lawyer should carefully review the facts surrounding the accident to determine whether an entity other than their employer is partially responsible for the accident. For example, scaffolding might have been improperly set up by a different subcontractor, or the scaffolding could have been defective to begin with.
Types of Construction Accidents
Workers are injured on construction sites in a variety of ways. Some of the more common accidents include:
Forklift accidents. Forklifts are designed to carry materials from one part of the construction site to another. Unfortunately, operator negligence and other errors can lead to workers getting struck or caught under the forklift. They can suffer fractures, concussions, and crush injuries if heavy materials fall on them.
Ladder falls. One of the most common accidents involves falling from a height on the construction site. Many workers will fall from a ladder if it is set up improperly, or if the ladder was defective. Some ladders were designed or manufactured in a defective manner, but others can become dangerous through misuse and lack of maintenance. Ladders can also contact power lines, leading to electrocution injuries and falls.
Scaffolding accidents. Scaffolding must be set up according to specifications. It must also be inspected regularly. When scaffolding fails, construction workers can be sent tumbling to the ground. Any materials on the scaffolding can also rain down on those below.
Demolition accidents. Demolition is very dangerous, and we are not surprised that many people suffer injuries when trying to tear down a building. Many demolition workers operate under unrealistic deadlines, which can lead to cutting corners—and injuries. A worker can be crushed to death if a wall or roof falls on them.
Building collapse. A poorly constructed building can fall down on occupants, including the workers constructing it.
Electrocution accidents. Poorly designed or maintained equipment can electrocute workers. Injuries can range from heart and brain damage to burns and internal organ injuries.
Fires and explosions. Electrical equipment and poor wiring could cause a building to catch on fire, which can also lead to an explosion. Helpless workers can become trapped in the inferno or suffer injuries when they jump to safety.
These are some of the most common accidents. There are many others. If you were hurt on a construction job in Brooklyn, please contact a member of our team.
Injuries Suffered in a Brooklyn Construction Accident
Brooklyn construction accidents can result in serious injuries that may be addressed through the workers’ compensation system. These injuries may include crush injuries, motor vehicle accidents on construction sites, injuries from falling debris, and fall injuries when a worker falls from a roof, ladder, or scaffolding. A worker could also be crushed by heavy machinery if it malfunctions.
Workers are encouraged to seek out immediate medical treatment and to notify their employer. Prompt notification helps with a workers’ compensation claim. It also ensures that other workers will not be injured in the same manner.
Malfunctioning Equipment on a Construction Site
When equipment on a construction site malfunctions and a worker suffers injuries, in addition to the workers’ compensation claim, the worker may also be able to make a claim against the employer and equipment manufacturer. This type of claim would be based on negligence. For example, the worker could allege that the employer did not take measures to properly inspect or maintain the defective equipment. Furthermore, the worker could allege that the equipment was not designed properly, causing it to malfunction and cause a serious injury.
Our team of experienced Brooklyn construction accident lawyers can determine if you might be eligible to assert a negligence claim as part of your case. This type of third-party claim is often very helpful at ensuring that our clients receive full compensation for their injuries.
Reach out to a Brooklyn Construction Accident Lawyer Today to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation
If you have been injured on a construction site, the experienced attorneys at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC may be able to help you get the compensation you need. Our legal team can investigate your circumstances and explore filing a claim for workers’ compensation or negligence on your behalf. To schedule a free consultation and case evaluation with a Brooklyn construction accident lawyer, please call us at 917-268-0344 or contact us online today.