Brooklyn Car Accident Lawyers
Helping Brooklyn Car Accident Victims Seek and Recover Compensation for their Injuries
When most people get in their car to go somewhere, they plan to drive in a safe, careful manner. However, that does not prevent other motor vehicle operators from driving in an irresponsible and unsafe manner. When that happens, serious collisions can ensue, resulting in equally serious damages and injuries.
If you’re suffering from serious injuries that you incurred in a Brooklyn motor vehicle accident, you should look no further than Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC Our experienced team of Brooklyn lawyers has had more than 80 years of professional experience representing car accident victims in New York. Give us a call today at (917) 268-0344, or contact us online, to find out how we might be able to assist you with your case.
Types of Car Collisions
Car accidents in Brooklyn can occur in a variety of different ways. Some common types of car accidents include:
Rear end collisions
Parking lot accidents
Hit and run collisions or phantom vehicle accidents
Side impact collisions, which usually occur at intersections
Front end collisions, where one vehicle impacts the other vehicle head-on
Filing a Timely Lawsuit
In order to obtain monetary compensation arising out of a motor vehicle collision, any claim or lawsuit must be filed in a timely manner. In the state of New York, this time period is typically two years from the date the accident occurred. If you do not file a lawsuit within that two-year time period, it is extremely likely that you will never be eligible to recover monetary compensation for your injuries. Our skilled Brooklyn car accident lawyers will ensure that your claim or lawsuit is filed on time.
Recovering Damages in a Car Accident Case
Because the State of New York is a no-fault state when it comes to motor vehicle collisions, in the majority of cases, accident victims obtain compensation for their injuries by filing a claim with their own insurance companies. They may be eligible to obtain compensation for all of their medical bills, lost wages, and travel expenses incurred going to and from medical appointments.
At other times, accident victims may be able to file a lawsuit directly against the at-fault driver in a car collision. The accident victim could make a claim against the at-fault driver if he or she suffers permanent injuries in the accident, such as permanent scarring or a bone fracture. Moreover, the accident victim can claim pain and suffering damages from the at-fault driver or the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
Call a Brooklyn Car Accident Lawyer Today
If you have been injured in a car crash in Brooklyn that was caused by another driver’s negligence, don’t delay in seeking legal representation in your case. The experienced attorneys at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC can help you pursue compensation in your accident case today. To schedule a free consultation and case evaluation with a Brooklyn car accident lawyer, please call us at (917) 268-0344, or contact us online today.