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Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC

NYC Slip & Fall Accidents: What to Do after Slipping on Snow or Ice

February 12, 2021
ny snow person walking

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common accidents in New York City, and they can be surprisingly serious. Further, ice and snow are often the culprits behind these dangerous accidents. Because these weather-related accidents are so common and so dangerous, it is a good idea to know how best to proceed if snow or ice ever causes you to be injured in a slip and fall accident.

If You’re Injured in a Slip & Fall on Snow or Ice

Slip and fall accidents are one of the leading causes of hospital visits across the nation each year, and they often lead to serious injuries that require serious and ongoing medical care (and attendant costs), considerable lost earnings on the job, and significant pain and suffering. If your accident was caused by snow and/or ice, you may be able to recover for the damages you’ve suffered, and a dedicated NYC slip and fall lawyer can help you with that. 

New York City’s Administrative Code

New York City’s Administrative Code makes it clear that both commercial and private property owners are directly responsible for maintaining the sidewalks outside their premises. When property owners fail to live up to this responsibility by maintaining their sidewalks in reasonably safe condition (including by clearing away snow and ice), they can be held responsible – in the form of a premises liability case – for any injuries that ensue.

3 Important Steps to Take after an NYC Slip & Fall

While your weather-based slip and fall accident is unique to you and the circumstances involved, there are three basic steps that apply across nearly every slip and fall case.

One: Seek Medical Attention

You’ve been injured, which means that obtaining medical attention is paramount. Even if you don’t believe you were seriously injured (or don’t believe you were injured at all), it’s important to check in with a doctor. Some injuries are slow to become symptomatic, and they can progress into something even more serious in the meantime. Further, having this record of your accident-related injuries can play an important role when it comes to bolstering your accident claim.

Two: Report the Accident in Question

After tending to your health, it’s important to report your accident to the property owner. If the offending property is commercial, inform the manager about your weather-related slip and fall and request that a report be filed. If the property that is attached to the offending sidewalk is private, ask the owner or landlord to make a report.

Three: Document the Accident

Snow or ice on the sidewalk caused you to slip and fall, and it is important to gather all the documentation you can in support of your claim, including (as applicable):

  • A copy of all your pertinent medical records
  • A copy of the accident report made
  • Photos of the scene that depict the danger presented by the snow or ice
  • Eyewitness testimonies (and their contact information)

The more documentation you are able to collect, the stronger your claim will likely be.

Contact a New York City Slip & Fall Lawyer

Another universally good idea after being injured in a slip and fall accident that was caused by snow or ice is to consult with a skilled NYC slip and fall lawyer like the ones at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC – who have been proudly serving the City for more than eight decades. Our stellar reputation speaks for itself, so please don’t hesitate to contact or call us at 212-285-3300 today.


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