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Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC

What Information Do I Need When I Meet with an Attorney?

June 4, 2021
man writing

If you’ve been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, such as in a traffic accident, a slip and fall caused by a negligent commercial property owner, an accident on the job site, or any other kind of accident, you’re going to need an experienced NYC personal injury attorney on your side. Meeting with an attorney can feel intimidating, but it shouldn’t, and knowing how to prepare and what to bring can help.

Bring Any Questions You Might Have

You’re meeting with a personal injury attorney (very likely for the first time), and you naturally have questions. This is completely natural, but because it’s such a new experience and because the subject matter is so stressful, you’re well-advised to write your questions down – so they don’t become lost in the shuffle. Two very common questions include:

  • Can I afford a personal injury attorney? This is a very common question that, fortunately, is easy to answer. The fact is that most reputable personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means that they don’t get paid unless you accept a settlement offer or you receive a court award.
  • Do I have a case? You’re not an attorney, and you probably have no idea if your case is viable or not. The personal injury attorney with whom you consult will discuss the strengths and challenges of your case with you and will not take the case unless its strengths outweigh its challenges.

Bring Any Evidence You Collected at the Scene

At your initial consultation, you’ll be presenting an overview of your case to the attorney, and you’ll need to give him or her everything you’ve got in terms of evidence and information. This should include all of the following that are available to you:

  • Bring a written statement that includes everything you remember about the accident, including the time and place, the weather and its effects, the events that led up to the accident, any extenuating circumstances that may have contributed to the accident, and anything else you can think of that may be relevant. Don’t rely upon your memory when it comes time to meet with your attorney. The more documentation you have, the better.
  • Bring any evidence that you collected at the scene, which can include videos and pictures of the two vehicles from all angles, photos of contributing factors, eyewitness statements and contact information, the police report, and anything else you have.
  • Bring a statement from your doctor and all your relevant doctor bills to date.

Ultimately, you’re trying to provide the personal injury attorney with whom you’re meeting an overview of your accident – along with any corroborating evidence that’s available to you. In this way, you help ensure that your potential personal injury claim has the best shot possible.

Don’t Delay Consulting with an Experienced New York City Personal Injury Attorney

The driven personal injury attorneys at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC have a long, proud tradition of successfully serving NYC, and we’re committed to helping you, too. For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact or call us at 212-285-3300 today.


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"This law firm has great lawyers!" I had an accident and they got me what I deserved for my injury. They treat you like you are part of their family. If anyone needs a lawyer I will recommend this firm."