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Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC

NYC Slip & Fall Wrongful Death Accident Lawyer

Wrongful Death Attorneys in New York City Helping Loved Ones of People Killed in Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and falls are a leading cause of injuries, including death, both inside and outside the workplace. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, falling made up around 5% of job-related fatalities for women and 11% of fatalities for men. Even outside the workplace, slip and falls can cause death when a person falls from a great height or strikes their head on something, such as a curb or filing cabinet. In 2005, for example, 15,000 people over the age of 65 died in a fall. Younger people are also vulnerable.

If your loved one died in a slip and fall, you probably have many questions. During this difficult time, you need an experienced NYC wrongful death attorney by your side who can fight for justifiable compensation.

Death from a Fall?

Death should be rare after a slip and fall. The leading injury from a fall is a fracture. A person can break their hip, thigh bone, wrist, or ribs when they fall, even when falling on ground level. How and why do so many people end up dying from a fall that should be easy to recover from?

If your loved one was elderly, then he or she could have been susceptible to serious injury. A fractured rib, for example, frequently leads to pneumonia in the elderly, which can progress to death. Other seniors could severely damage internal organs in a fall. It is important not to let the defendant try to claim that death was “inevitable” given your loved one’s age.

Another cause of death involves victims striking their heads on something. A person could slip and fall outside and hit their head on a door handle, fire hydrant, car fender, or another hard object. Even inside the home, there are many hazards, such as tables, chairs, coffee tables, and filing cabinets that can cause bleeding in the brain and other injuries.

What to Do after a Loved One’s Death in a Slip and Fall

Liability will depend on many factors, such as who is responsible for the safety of the property where your loved one died, along with the cause of the fall. Some common causes include condensation, spilled liquids, worn carpets or other floor defects, poor lighting, and weather conditions.

It can be difficult to recreate what led to a slip and fall, so family members should contact an attorney quickly. Even though you might be in shock, it is important to properly document the circumstances surrounding the tragic death. Our attorneys might need to visit the scene of the accident and take pictures or talk to witnesses.

Speak with an NYC Wrongful Death Attorney after a Loved One Dies in a Slip and Fall

Obtaining compensation in any wrongful death case is difficult, but the team at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC has helped countless survivors bring claims against the city, private landowners, and businesses when a loved one slips and falls.

To get started, please call 917-268-2985 or fill out our contact form. Our consultations are always free and confidential.

"This law firm has great lawyers!" I had an accident and they got me what I deserved for my injury. They treat you like you are part of their family. If anyone needs a lawyer I will recommend this firm."