NYC Wrongful Death Negligent Security Claims
Our NYC Wrongful Death Attorneys Hold Establishments Responsible for Negligent Security
The number of murders has fallen dramatically in New York City since 1990, even though the population has grown recently. Despite this drop, however, too many people are hurt in attacks, including attacks on private property. Although the city has not been this safe in over 50 years, murders continue to occur in each of the five boroughs.
If your loved one died in an attack, negligent security might be to blame. This type of claim is very complicated to bring, so reach out to an experienced NYC wrongful death attorney for a case evaluation.
Examples of Negligent Security
Businesses should have adequate security to protect their customers and employees from crime. Unfortunately, many businesses are very lax when it comes to providing adequate security. And criminals take full advantage, robbing and attacking people. Some of these attacks can escalate to murder.
The type and amount of security any establishment should have will depend on the circumstances. Not every pharmacy needs armed guards patrolling the aisles, but businesses must not ignore known threats to safety. In our experience, security can be inadequate because of the following:
- Insufficient or poorly trained security guards
- Lack of security cameras
- Missing or improperly placed lights
- Missing locks on windows or doors
- Lack of fences around parking lots
- Improper response to complaints about loitering or crime on or near the premises
If your loved one rented an apartment, then the landlord might have been responsible for the attack that claimed your loved one’s life. Apartments must have adequate locks on doors and windows, as well as sufficient lighting on pathways and in stairwells. Hotels also must have adequate security for the benefit of their guests, but some hotels in the city are lacking.
It is difficult to analyze whether security was adequate. A history of crime is often a key indicator that an area is dangerous, but an NYC wrongful death attorney can see what type of security is standard in the neighborhood.
Wrongful Death Lawsuits and Criminal Prosecutions
It is entirely possible that a person responsible for your loved one’s death is prosecuted for the death. Nevertheless, it is important for our clients to realize that wrongful death cases based on negligent security are broader than criminal prosecutions.
With a negligent security claim, we can sue the business or establishment for failing to properly protect its customers, even if a complete stranger ended up killing your loved one. Most businesses have liability policies which can pay out compensation to our clients if our claims are successful. Insurers aggressively fight these claims, however, so family members would do well to hire a qualified lawyer.
Speak with a Wrongful Death Attorney in NYC to Discuss a Negligent Security Claim
Although you might be in a state of shock, it is vital that you and your family have proper legal representation before beginning a negligent security claim. The lawyers at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC have brought numerous successful wrongful death claims, and we will gladly meet for a free case review. Call us today, 917-268-2985, or complete this contact form.