Causes of Slip and Falls In New York City
Personal Injury Attorneys in NYC Committed to Helping Slip & Fall Victims
Dangerous surface conditions increase the chances that pedestrians can slip and fall. Maintaining safe, clean, uncluttered floors should be a priority for every store owner, as well as government entities that welcome the public.
Unfortunately, many surface conditions cause people to lose their footing. If you have slipped and fallen because of dangerous surface conditions, please contact a Brooklyn slip and fall attorney at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC today.
Worn Carpeting
Worn treads on carpeting make it slick, which can cause a person’s feet to slide out, especially when they are trying to descend the stairs or a carpeted ramp. To improve safety, the premises owner should replace the carpeting or put new rigs down over the worn patches. Some carpeting might be worn only in spots, but all it takes is one patch of worn carpeting to send a person sprawling.
Spilled Liquids
Water and other liquids can accumulate in many places, such as:
- Beneath the soda fountain in a fast food joint
- Near the entrance of stores in winter, when patrons tramp in snow or ice
- Around the sinks in bathrooms
- In grocery stores near the produce, which might be misted with water
In other locations, liquid might be spilled because of an accident. For example, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide could fall in a pharmacy, or a bottle of salad dressing could fall and shatter, sending liquid onto the floor. Unwary patrons can then slip on the liquid.
Mopped and Waxed Floors
Every store needs to mop the floors, especially in the winter when salt and sand accumulates. However, the act of mopping the floor increases the likelihood that someone will slip. Stores should set up appropriate warning cones or signs to notify patrons that the floor is slippery.
The same is true if the store has its floors recently waxed. They can become very slippery and should put customers on notice.
Holes in Carpeting or Floorboards
In older stores, the flooring might be in such poor shape that holes open up, or the carpeting is torn. These hazards can cause a person to trip and fall.
Uneven Floorboards
Floorboards can become warped, or poor construction means that floorboards don’t join smoothly. Many people can trip or slip when they walk across the floor, especially since carpeting can obscure that the floorboards are not level.
Documenting Dangerous Surface Conditions
If a hazardous surface condition causes you to fall, you should carefully document it. You want some sort of tangible proof that the hazardous condition existed so that the premises owner doesn’t claim you tripped over your own feet. Use your smartphone to take pictures of the hazard.
If you don’t have a phone, then try to find witnesses who saw you slip and fall. This person can offer valuable testimony later.
Call Us Today to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation with a New York City Slip & Fall Attorney
After a slip and fall accident, you should contact an attorney as soon as you can. We are a personal injury firm with decades of experience. A member of our team will meet with you to review your case. Call 212-285-3300 or complete our contact form.