Brooklyn Dog Bite Lawyers
Dog Bite Lawyers in Brooklyn Helping Victims Recover Compensation
Different laws and court decisions make dog owners liable to victims when a dog attacks and bites someone. Dog bites can range from superficial scratches to horrifying injuries that can leave a person permanently disabled and disfigured. On average, dog bites can cause around $40,000 of damage—but sometimes much more.
If you or a child has been bitten by a dog, you need an attorney by your side who understands our state’s various laws inside and out. Contact a Brooklyn dog bite attorney to review your case.
New York’s Laws
Some laws that allow a victim to sue include:
- Agriculture & Markets Law, Section 121. An owner or custodian of a dangerous dog is strictly liable for medical costs for any injuries caused to a person or animal. A dog is considered “dangerous” when it attacks a person or animal without provocation.
- Court decisions. New York has long allowed injured victims to sue for compensation if they can show that the owner knew its dog was vicious, meaning it had a propensity to be violent. This has wrongly been called the “one bite” rule, meaning a dog must bite someone once before an owner is legally liable. Actually, any vicious conduct puts an owner on notice. However, if the dog has only ever been peaceful, then a victim will not succeed in a suit.
As you can see, you can receive medical bills even if the dog has not been vicious before. To receive other compensation—for lost wages and pain and suffering, for example—the dog needs a previous history of viciousness that the owner knows about.
Treating a Dog Bite
The steps a victim takes in the minutes after a dog attack can mean the difference between life and death. Even if an injury seems relatively minor, you should still treat it seriously. Remember to try to stop any bleeding immediately. If the wound is very deep, you might need to apply firm pressure with a clean towel or shirt.
Second, get to the hospital immediately if you cannot stop the bleeding. Otherwise, you can clean a wound with warm water and soap and remove any debris, such as a dog’s tooth or dirt.
You should speak to a doctor if the dog broke the skin because you need to watch for rabies. Contact animal control, which can take the animal into custody and watch it. Ask your doctor if you need a rabies vaccine, just to be safe.
After a doctor stitches you up, keep your eyes open for signs of infection. Any dog bite wound will be red and sensitive. But an infected one should be hot to the touch or leaking puss. It might also become especially painful.
Call Us Today to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation with a Brooklyn Dog Bite Lawyer
After a dog attack, you should identify the owner if you can and get their homeowner’s insurance information. Then contact an experienced dog bite lawyer in Brooklyn who can help you obtain compensation for your injuries.
Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC has helped many people attacked by vicious dogs. Contact us today by calling 917-268-0344. We offer free consultations.