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Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC

Bronx Birth Injury Lawyers

The hope for every pregnant parent is a healthy child. Unfortunately, birth doesn’t always go as planned. What makes a terrible situation even worse is to find out that the doctor involved with the birth caused the complications or trauma to your child. Medical malpractice is an unfortunately common occurrence that can leave someone affected with long-term health issues for the rest of their life.
As new parents, you shouldn’t have to deal with birth injuries alone. The Bronx birth injury lawyers at the Lipsig Firm are here to take on your case. We’ve handled birth injury cases for decades. We’re here to help make the transition to parenthood easier for you during an already stressful time.

Was My Child’s Birth Injury Caused by Malpractice?

The Bronx birth injury lawyers at The Lipsig Firm study every case thoroughly to determine if your case constitutes malpractice. One of the primary ways we do that is to understand the cause.

Common Causes of Birth Injuries

While births can be complicated, they should be navigated with care and consideration. Common causes of birth injuries include:

  • Medical negligence, when a doctor does not take appropriate precautions during the delivery
  • Misuse of tools, such as forceps, to assist in the delivery
  • Complications during birth
  • Improper notice of the mother’s medical history during care
  • Infection during labor or delivery
  • Overly short or long delivery times
  • If the baby is turned, or breached

Types of Birth Injuries We Prosecute

Birth injuries can be damaging to the short-term and the long-term. Most birth injuries deal with injury to the head and neck, areas that are very easily damaged. They include:

  • Brain damage, often caused by pressure to the head
  • Skull fractures, caused by pressure or misuse of birthing tools
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken bones, which can occur when the baby has trouble being born
  • Nerve damage, which can be caused if the baby is born feet-first, or through the misuse of birthing tools
  • Vision and auditory damage, usually caused by nerve damage
  • Impaired mobility, also caused by nerve damage
  • Birth injuries resulting in death

It is up to the doctor to ensure that they help birth the child carefully. If all precautions are not taken, the lawyers at the Lipsig Firm will work tirelessly to make sure that you receive restitution for your child’s injury, as well as for the emotional damage that you as a parent suffered.
Birth injuries have lasting repercussions that can follow a child through the rest of their life. The aftermath of a birth injury due to malpractice can include:

  • Erb’s Palsy, a type of brachial plexus palsy, which occurs when the nerves to the arm are injured and renders that limb incapacitated. This may be a temporary or permanent injury.
  • Cerebral Palsy, which occurs after damage to the brain and affects mobility.
  • Kernicterus, which is a type of brain damage that affects the hearing, vision, and teeth of infants.

Long-term effects may greatly inhibit how a child moves and grows in the world, so it’s important to have a team of professionals who can help you advocate for your child.

A Mother’s Health

Traumatic birth injuries are not restricted only to infants, but can extend to the mother as well. If the parent is not taken care of during pregnancy, they can experience infection, tearing, or ruptures that can lead to long-term effects. It’s essential that medical practitioners take care of all the patients in the birthing room to the utmost of their ability.

The Cost of Birth Injuries

Birth injuries can be very expensive to deal with during and immediately after birth. While a birth can already cost thousands of dollars, births that have injury complications can be double or triple those costs.
Children who have extensive birth injuries may have additional needed medical expenses to sustain them throughout their life. On average, it is estimated that birth injuries cost families about one million dollars in care over a lifetime.

The Emotional Impact of a Birth Injury

The above costs are to say nothing of the extensive emotional trauma inflicted on the parents. While the birth injury is traumatic physically for the child, we also understand that this is a very stressful and terrifying time for parents. Parents should never have to experience avoidable birth injuries, and it can cause them great pain and emotional distress to see their child suffer. The attorneys at Lipsig are here to help you through this time.

When Can I File a Claim for a Birth Injury?

As a parent, you can file a claim for a birth injury or wrongful death suit up to 30 months after the incident. While this is a difficult time, it’s important to start the process as soon as possible so our team of birth injury lawyers can work on your case.

If you’re an individual who learned they had an injury at birth, you have up to ten years from your awareness of the injury (or two and a half years after turning 18) to pursue a claim.

Even if you’re still healing emotionally or physically, it’s important to contact the Bronx birth injury lawyers at The Lipsig Firm as soon as possible so we can review your case and get you the help you need.

Reach Out to Lipsig’s Bronx Birth Injury Lawyers

We know that this is a sensitive time for you and your family. The Bronx birth injury lawyers at The Lipsig Firm are dedicated to helping you recover from the trauma you and your loved ones have experienced

If you think you or your family have grounds for a malpractice birth injury lawsuit, contact the Bronx birth injury lawyers at the Lipsig Firm at 212-285-3300 or reach out to us online. We know how important it is for families to feel cared for in these traumatic situations, and we’re here to help. We care about our clients and will fight for the justice you deserve.

"This law firm has great lawyers!" I had an accident and they got me what I deserved for my injury. They treat you like you are part of their family. If anyone needs a lawyer I will recommend this firm."