Car Accident Injury in NYC: Guide for Non-Residents

Motor vehicle accidents are unexpected, sudden events. They can occur just as easily while driving to and from work or while traveling for business or vacation out of state. While you might be familiar with the auto accident procedures in your home state, do you know what you should do when you get involved in a car accident in NYC, which isn’t your home state?
Vital Steps to Take in an NYC Car Accident
Broadly speaking, you should handle an NYC motor vehicle accident pretty much the same way you would handle one back at home. These steps, which could significantly influence your legal rights to pursue an injury claim later on, include:
- Call 911 and get treatment for your injuries as soon as possible, even if your injuries are minor.
- Call the police or highway patrol so a police report can be created. Also, New York has specific rules for reporting motor vehicle accidents, so make sure to follow them.
- Obtain all involved parties’ contact information, including their insurance details, vehicle registration, and driver’s license.
- Survey the accident scene and document everything by taking photos and videos of the scene.
- When talking to the police, avoid making statements about fault and things that insurance companies might use against you later.
Crucial Issues in NYC Car Accidents for People Who Don’t Live in NYC
Although most of the guidelines to protect yourself following an auto accident will apply regardless of where the accident took place, you should be aware of specific issues regarding out of state auto accidents, such as:
- Insurance Claims: You will still be covered by your auto insurance policy. However, the coverage requirements and claims procedures may vary, and this could affect your rights in an insurance claim and how much you could recover from the other party’s insurance coverage.
- Personal Injury Claims: States have jurisdiction over their residents. Basically, this means that if you live in California and suffered injuries at a car crash in NYC, you will have to file your injury claim in New York. You will likewise be subject to the state’s procedural laws, which include the statute of limitations or deadline for filing claims.
- Personal or Business Trip: If you or the other party was driving a company vehicle or driving for business, different procedures and insurance policies may come into play.
Talk to Our Experienced NYC Car Accident Lawyers Today
If you get into an accident and suffered injuries in a car accident in NYC, your best recourse is to contact an NYC car accident lawyer immediately. A local lawyer will know all about the state laws and procedures, something that a lawyer in your home state won’t. Let one of our NYC car accident lawyers at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC handle all the legal stuff while you go home and recover from your injuries. Contact us online or call our office at 212-285-3300 to arrange a free consultation with one of our NYC accident lawyers and find out more about your case.