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Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC

Does Every Car Accident Claim go to Court in New York?

September 24, 2020
car speedometer

If another motorist’s negligence leaves you injured in a car accident, it also leaves you in a difficult position. While you are dealing with aftereffects of the accident and the injuries you’ve sustained, there’s also the matter of your car accident claim to deal with. Working closely with an experienced NYC car accident attorney will help ensure that you obtain the compensation you need, but you may have concerns about proceeding to court. The fact is that the vast majority of car accident claims are settled out of court, and it’s very likely that yours will be too.

Your Car Accident Attorney

Many people with car accident claims worry that hiring an attorney means that their case will automatically proceed to court and that the cost will be exorbitant. This, however, is not an accurate assessment of the situation. The truth is that your attorney will skillfully negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf and will make every attempt to effect a settlement that covers the full extent of your damages. Indeed, most claims are settled this way. Further, because personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, you won’t owe any legal fees until your case is concluded and are compensated by the insurance company for your damages.

The Insurance Company

The insurance company involved is a business like any other, and as such, it is motivated by profits. This means that the insurance company is looking for ways to provide you with less compensation, and toward that end, they have a wide range of tools at their disposal, including:

  • Denying claims outright
  • Delaying the claims process
  • Demanding excessive documentation and administrative efforts
  • Attempting to poke holes in your version of events
  • Making lowball settlement offers

Your car accident attorney has the experience and the know-how to negotiate with the insurance company on behalf of your best interest throughout the process – and is adept at dealing with insurance antics.

As your attorney shares your robust personal injury case with the insurance company, there is every reason to believe that the insurance company will be motivated to offer you a reasonable settlement that addresses your damages in their entirety – with no need to proceed to court. If a reasonable offer isn’t forthcoming, however, you retain the option of litigating the matter in court.

Discuss Your Case with an Experienced NYC Car Accident Attorney Today

If you’ve been injured by a negligent driver, you have enough to contend with and shouldn’t have to concern yourself with whether your case will end up in court or not. The dedicated car accident attorneys at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC in NYC have extensive experience successfully guiding even the most difficult claims toward their most favorable resolutions, and the vast majority of these claims are settled out of court. If court is the best option, however, we have the experience, commitment, and resources to fight for your rights and rightful compensation in the courtroom. Your car accident claim is too important not to fight for it, so please don’t hesitate tocontact or call us at 212-285-3300 for more information today.

"This law firm has great lawyers!" I had an accident and they got me what I deserved for my injury. They treat you like you are part of their family. If anyone needs a lawyer I will recommend this firm."