2019 Is a Dangerous Year for MTA Bus Riders
Millions of people depend upon the services of New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to get around. While riders should understand the dangers associated with bus collisions, many don’t realize that they can be injured in the natural course of their ride. The fact is, however, that the number of bus passengers who’ve been injured in bus accidents that do not involve a collision is up this year. Buses help alleviate traffic, but they also must navigate safely with traffic, and when bus drivers fail to do so, it can result in serious passenger injuries. If you’ve been injured in an MTA bus accident, consult with an experienced New York City personal injury attorney today.
The Numbers
According to data shared with the New York Post by the MTA, the number of passengers injured on MTA buses in accidents that do not involve collisions is up by 11 percent – as of the end of August (compared to the numbers associated with the same timeframe in 2018). The statistics include:
494 passengers were injured in non-collision accidents in 2019, while 442 passengers were injured in 2018.
Of those passengers injured, 41.9 percent (207) were injured in “throwing movements,” which is up 5.5 percent from 2018.
The Cause
The MTA cites its drivers and traffic for this rise in injuries. Safety official Robert Diehl shared with the MTA board that the accidents are “mostly due to operators trying to avoid cars, pedestrians, or bicyclists.” In other words, when bus drivers swerve to avoid collisions, passengers can be hurt in the process.
Addressing the Issue
In an effort to improve passenger safety, the MTA is monitoring its bus drivers’ behaviors more closely and has implemented a safety-information campaign that targets bus drivers at bus depots – a location where accidents and collisions have increased.
Further Details
After injuries that arise from non-collision accidents, slip and fall accidents related to boarding and exiting buses are the most common type of MTA injury-causing incident. These accidents were down very slightly from 163 in 2018 to 160 in 2019. Unfortunately, bus collisions overall and bus collisions that result in injuries have increased slightly in 2019. Collisions are up overall by 1.2 percent, and collisions that result in injuries are up by 1.8 percent.
If You’ve Been Injured in an MTA Bus Accident, an Experienced NYC Personal Injury Attorney Can Help
An MTA bus doesn’t have to be involved in a collision to injure a passenger. If you’ve been injured while riding an NYC bus, the dedicated legal professionals at Lipsig, Shapey, Moverman, Freund & Wisell, PLLC – proudly serving the NYC area for decades – are here to help. Our experienced personal injury lawyers are formidable advocates of victims’ rights – like yours. Our firm is among the City’s oldest and best established, and we’re committed to helping our fellow New Yorkers obtain the compensation to which they are entitled. We’re on your side, so please don’t hesitate to contact us online or call us at 212-285-3300 to schedule a free consultation today.